Not Twins
My sister was born fourteen months after I was. Our mother dressed us as twins most of the time until my sister grew taller than me before I turned four, maybe five. She continued to grow much taller than me through our growing years, and our mother continued to raise us as though we were twins. When I was in fourth grade my sister skipped from third to fourth grade. We were then in the same grade, and sometimes classrooms, until I graduated from high school after the eleventh grade. My sister and I have very different personalities, interests, and body types. When I became a mother myself, I learned that that raising us as twins was not a healthy way to raise us.
Not Twins is mixed media on fabric and measures 32" x 33" with a pattern of a rounded construction fence monoprinted on an embroidery I purchased on eBay. It also has stitching following the lines of the fence pattern, and hand painting.
Not Twins
mixed media on fabric
32” x 33”