Dates in a Life Walking Project 2018
The Dates in a Life Walking Project 2018 is a year-long painting project documenting the number of steps I walked each day.
The colored squares have different meanings about reasons I may have walked more or less on those specific days. White means snow or ice, extreme cold is blue, extremely hot is red, very rainy all day is teal blue, being sick is Indian Yellow Hue, recovering from surgery is yellow, being on vacation or away from home is green, and working on election day is purple.
The solid white squares highlight Saturdays and Sundays in columns. I usually (but not always) had more time to walk on the weekend, after I caught up on sleep and had more energy to exercise.
I prefer to walk for exercise, as time permits, outside in addition to whatever other walking I do as I go about my day. My goal is to walk as much as I can every day.
To kept track of steps, I used the Health app in my iPhone.
I used a system of symbols to represent each thousand steps. Instead of showing exactly how many I walked. The black icons represent up to 9999 steps walked each day, red represents 10,000-19,999 steps and yellow represents 20,000-29,999 steps.
The painting is created with monoprinted textures of a construction fence as the background, handstamped rubber erasers on fabric which are collaged on the background grid, as well as handpainting and stitching on stiffened fabric.

Dates in a Life Walking Project 2018
January 1 - December 31, 2018
mixed media on stiffened fabric
39” x 33"