Sometimes I’m right, and sometimes I’m wrong. This painting is about being successful (or not) on the sixth row of Wordle. I’m guessing not many people would share when they didn’t get a correct answer, but for me, it’s all about patterns no matter which way it turned out.
The dates of the puzzles are from July 19, August 12, 17, 23, September 1, 6, 7, 27, October 5, 6, 11, 15*, 19*, 23, 24*, 25, 28, November 2, 3, and 10*, 2024.
The words those days were: Refer, Skiff, Storm, Leech, Mushy, Rerun, Owner, Beaut, Miner, Lager, Gusty, (Corer), (Fiber), Goofy, (Bossy), Frown, Bawdy, Snoop, Blaze, and (Inner).
* The words in parentheses are the correct answers on the days I didn’t answer correctly.

mixed media on fabric
26” x 27”